Sunday, October 30, 2005

Senator Owned

A quick look at the numerous corporations who have donated to Senator Clinton's campaign will make your stomach turn. Just to name a few:

Wal-Mart - champions of labor exploitation, union busting and sweatshops.
BlueCross - nothing shows a commitment to healthcare reform by taking money from the people who stand to lose the most by it.
Cigna - ditto.
ExxonMobil - 'nuff said.
Lockheed-Martin - military contractor.
Northrop Grumman - military contractor.
Raytheon - military contractor.
BAE - military contractor.
Boeing - military contractor (and corporate welfare recipient).

And these were just in the first three quarters of 2005. Congratulations, Senator Clinton: you have the campaign finance record of a Republican.

Friday, October 28, 2005

My Her Own Admission

Anyone with doubts that Senator Clinton has been swept up by Washington's games and lost sight of the goals of the progressive movement needs to look no further than the senator's website to find the frightening truth about the junior senator from New York, and, potentially, our future president.

Of course, there's the obligatory list of "issues" about which I'm sure Senator Clinton cares very deeply, but those of us who actually care about the tens of millions of Americans who lack access to quality healthcare would like to see more programs and fewer press releases.

Where's the Clinton bill? Where's that law that's going to put compassion back in our foreign policy, or work towards real solutions to the ballooning costs of prescription drugs? The sad reality is that outside of her co-sponsorship of half-measures, Senator Clinton is too busy being a politician to be a progressive.

One of the worst instances of Senator Clinton's politicking was her recent performance before the American-Israeli Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) where she reaffirmed her alignment with militant neocons in their push for conflict with Iran. An interesting note: Hillary managed to discuss Israel without once mentioning their horrific human rights record over the course of the occupation (references to the Israeli wall: zero).

As always, there's more than I can stomach posting. You most certainly get the idea.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

ExxonMobil has a record payday and Hillary cashes a check

It was no surprise today that ExxonMobil announced record profits following several weeks of exploiting American consumers even more than they previously had.

What may be surprising is that Senator Clinton graciously accepted campaign donations from ExxonMobil on four different occassions since being elected to the US Senate, two of them in the past five months as the senate has been under increasing pressure to hold the oil conglomerate responsible for its exploitation of working Americans.

A review of Senator Clinton's campaign finance records over the past three quarters reveals that it isn't only Big Oil that she's willing to sell out to. Clinton's campaigns has been cashing checks from drug companies, military contractors, health insurance companies, and even Wal-Mart. It certainly explains a great many things...

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Announcing "Progressives Against Hillary"

Five years ago, New York sent a senator to Washington who promised to champion the values of progressives: Equal rights. Quality health care for all Americans. A government by the people, not just the powerful. An end to the corporate exploitation of our country. Senator Clinton has forgotten the many progressives who pounded the pavement to get her elected; her forgetfulness threatens to cost us essential rights for which so many of us have been fighting. Her preoccupation with moving to the right, in hopes of winning the 2008 Iowa caucuses and the New Hampshire primary, have seen her sacrifice the principles of the people who helped her beat Rick Lazio in the face of tens of millions of dollars in Republican special interest money that was poured into the race against her. For five years, Senator Clinton has lead the Democratic Party in retreating in the face of repeated attacks from the radical right. Just to name a few examples:
  • Senator Clinton allowed ultra-conservative John Roberts, a guaranteed vote against a woman's right to choose, to be confirmed to the Supreme Court, failing to make a stand.
  • The US military continues to discriminate against gays and lesbians. Senator Clinton has yet to introduce legislation to combat this horrific injustice against people who want to serve their nation.
  • Senator Clinton allowed the Assault Weapons Ban, which had been making our streets safer for a decade, to expire with only token opposition, largely due to the unpopularity of this critical measure with primary voters in Iowa and NH.
  • America remains bogged down in Iraq in a war that Senator Clinton authorized and refuses to stop supporting.
The list goes on, longer than our patience can be allowed to be stretched in discussing the principles we hold so dearly. Email us to join this crucial discussion on how to help stop Senator Hillary Clinton's slide to the right, and to put our progressive values back on her list of priorities.