Wait-and-see...she might turn into a Republican!
Senator Clinton has adopted a "wait-and-see" policy on ending the military's continued occupation of Iraq. Clinton's 'red shift' is nothing new, but the AP writer who posted the story really called her on it, to a greater extent than I've ever seen.
With Americans embroiled in a heated debate over the US invasion of Iraq, Senator Hillary Clinton has taken a position considerably to the right of many in her Democratic party, including that of her ex-president husband.There's something to be said about the fact that coverage of Senator Clinton's "principled positions" are being followed by punditry from political science professors...
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Those comments are the latest sign that Clinton -- known during the eight years of her huband's presidency as a "bleeding heart liberal" -- has reinvented herself in the Senate as something of a hawk.
"If you look at the polls carefully, they show that Americans are disaffected with the Bush administration policy in Iraq, but have very little confidence in the Democrats on that score either," said Larry Sabato, a political scientist at the University of Virginia's Center for Politics.
"Her position is a much better general election position" in that it will enhance her credibility among conservatives and moderates, said Sabato.
[emphasis mine]
She *might* turn into a Republican? Wait: there's a fate worse than death: she'll turn into a MAJORITY OF DEMOCRATS!
The Mistress of Triangulation is OF COURSE continuing on her hell-bent course for the White House. Why should she change now, on the war, of all issues? For the same reason that Kerry, given his carte blanche of our ABB voting, didn't need to come out against the war (oh, sorry, I mean that he voted for it before he voted against it...or vice versa...or something), because WE DIDN'T PRESSURE HIM TO. It's called Take the Money and Run. Why should HRC come out for or against anything except Israel, Wal-Mart, or the rest of the issues that vocal, organized, rich constituencies support (or not)?
Politics 101. Duh!
I heart Chillary
She already IS a Republican. Sad really sad - and she backpedals like crazy.
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